Through attentive listening, relevant questioning and a touch of humor, I guide you towards new perspectives.
In the face of discomfort, pain or a difficult situation, I bring you to a better understanding of these symptoms, their likely root causes and towards a new possible path.
I take the time to listen to you and seek with you the best possible strategy, connecting the physiological, psychological and spiritual aspects. Together we devise an individual response that is easy to practice in your daily life.
By not stopping at the symptoms, I seek their causes and help you get out of the vicious circle of your thoughts.
All our mental images and thoughts have an impact on our body.
Having a clear goal and giving our brain a positive image that we aspire to is the starting point of every project.
I often ask in consultation, “What are you trying to achieve?” “What is the goal?”
and I am told: “no more suffering, no more pain, no more being sick”
Our unconscious does not hear negation; it hears: “sick, suffering, pain”
And when I ask, “What’s the opposite of suffering or pain?”, often they don’t know how to answer me —
Our mind is like a thoroughbred horse, it needs a rider who knows exactly where it wants to go.
Visualize what you want and not what you don’t want!
But it is not enough to visualize a distant dream image, it is the concrete and regular actions that will make the difference.