Sabine Flury-Langer
Coach de vie, Naturopathe, Sonothérapeute


listening to life is at the heart of my practice,
This is the common thread linking through all my consultation proposals:


Therapeutic dialogue:

Through attentive listening, relevant questioning and a touch of humor, I guide you towards new perspectives that open the door to awareness and better self-knowledge. Identify your needs, your desires and welcome what is.

Food/lifestyle consultation, with Sabine Flury-Langer, naturopath Creuse

Food/lifestyle consultation:

We devise together good, beautiful and flavourful meals that evoke a sense of joy, while being healthy.

Sound therapy:

I give you vibratory care with Tibetan bowls and gongs according to the Walter Häfner method.
The cleansing and energizing effect of this treatment can help release blockages or tensions.

Craniosacral therapy:

Through a relaxing, intuitive and very delicate touch, I help you to dispel the negative effects of stress on the body.

Plant-Aroma Therapy, with Sabine Flury-Langer, naturopath Creuse

Plant-Aroma Therapy:

The healing properties of plants can be valuable in supporting you in your wellness process. I propose plant remedies according to your needs.

Hypnotherapy, with Sabine Flury-Langer, naturopath Creuse


I offer you hypnotherpy sessions according to the Milton Erickson method. This is a tool that allows access to the reservoir of unconscious resources of each individual.